Well, good answers in here. Someone asked how I know it is Jehovah that blessed me. Well, I know it is God- whatever name you want to use. I have a really good life- brand new house, Mercedes, good bank account- blah blah blah. BUT, that is not from God (in my opinion) I think it is because my husband & I work hard. But, the things I know are from God- are when I pray for answers that I cannot get on my own, or when I am having trouble I can't deal with on my own, and I pray for help & guidance- and I receive it! Without prayer- I couldn't get the answers. I guess when I was a witness, I never really had a relationship with Jehovah- in fact, when I prayed- it was like there was NOONE listening. After I left- I didn't care. Recently- like less than a year ago- I started praying & TRYING to be more christian, and when I prayed & studied the bible, I "FELT" like it was answered, and "felt" like I had a relationship with God.
I don't have all the answers. I guess to me- I can't believe some big bang theory & no god. Everything- even BIRTH is too perfect for an accident.
Some people say the bible is a crock. Well, man wrote it- so maybe it isn't perfect or mistranslated, but it is all we have. I guess I would see no point in living if I didn't believe there was a purpose, or a REASON to be good. If people all believed there was no god- then they would be able to murder, commit adultery- have no consequences. What would be the point?
I like the bumper sticker "If you live your life like there's no god- then you better be right!"
I think when people don't believe in god- its because they don't want to. I mean, they want no responsibility or higher accountability for their actions. Its the easy way out. I lived like that for 7 years- so I didn't feel a higher power- no reason NOT to experiment with sex, some pot, drinking, it just didn't matter. Then, I realized my life was zilch without God & a purpose in my life.
I don't blame people for not believing in God. There is alot of crap in this world- and people think why would God allow it?
I don't have all the answers. The original purpose of this post- was just to say I hope people give (gave) God a chance- it is SO easy to say "To hell with God & religion" after being burned by the witnesses. But, it isn't Gods fault he is misrepresented by a cult.
Someone posted "If we are like dust- what does it matter to god. Does he have a self esteem problem" We all have the freedom to serve God or not- he doesn't make us. Its called free will. Of course he would love us to serve him, but he doesn't make us.
I guess I am just going round & round here- and it is late- so might not be making sense. I tried to live for 7 years without god- and didn't like it at all. Doesn't work for me- but if it works for some people, that is their choice. I guess if I am wrong, who does it hurt? If I am right, it pays off in the end! :-) Living your life in a good christian way- even if just for your current life- it helps you lead a better life.
Where do nonchristians, and those who don't believe in god feel they are going when they die? What is the purpose of having children if it is just to live a crappy life then die? Just curious- really. My mind was closed from age 5-33- it is only recently opening up to hear other peoples views, so really, enlighten me!